Paille pliante portative en silicone de qualité alimentaire pour pailles
Coussin gonflable en forme de U avec flocons de PVC Sambo pour le voyage en plein air
Coussin gonflable en forme de U avec flocons de PVC Sambo pour le voyage en plein air
BridgeClimb Sydney - BridgeClimb by Day
The price can vary according to visit date and time selected. Day The climb departs from morning to late afternoon (after “dawn” and before “twilight”), exposing the hum and buzz of the city in full swing. 5 Things you need to know before your climb Health & Safety Your health and safety is important: If you are pregnant or have any pre-existing health conditions you may need to provide a doctor’s Certificate of Fitness note before you climb. You must have a blood-alcohol reading below 0.05 to climb (the same as if you are driving). You will be asked to complete a BridgeClimb Declaration Form before your Climb. Please be honest about your health so we can ensure your wellbeing is not at risk. All discussions will be confidential. Preparations How should you prepare for your Climb: Ensure that you have eaten before your Climb and you’re well-hydrated – the experience can last up to 3 ½ hours. Wear comfortable, enclosed rubber-soled shoes such as running, sport or hiking shoes and don’t forget your sunglasses. It is recommend to wear comfortable clothing. You will be equipped with everything else you need for your Climb! Ensure you arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled Climb time to allow enough time to check in. Personal Belongings All your personal belongings can be stored in lockers, including cameras: there are FREE secure lockers for you to keep your personal belongings in, including phones, cameras and GoPros. The Climb Leaders will capture photos of you during your Climb. For safety and security reasons, cameras, video technology and mobile devices are prohibited on the Climb. Restrictions You must be 8 years old and 1.2 metres in height, or taller: Children aged 8 to 15 must be accompanied by and are the responsibility of an adult, with a maximum of three children per adult. Weather Conditions Climbs operate in all weather conditions: You will equipped with all the gear you need to keep you dry, but remember to bring your own shoes, which should be enclosed, like running shoes. In case of extreme weather conditions like electrical storms or during times of extremely high wind, Climbs may be postponed.
Bus Turístico - Berlín
Aspectos destacados Explore y absorba todas las atracciones clásicas de Berlín, como el Palacio de Charlottenburg, la East Side Gallery y el Monumento del Holocausto Disfrute de las vistas panorámicas de la hermosa ciudad de Berlín. Incluye Billete de 24/48h para el autobús con paradas. Acceso a 2 rutas con 24 paradas alrededor de Berlín para personalizar su itinerario. Audioguía multilingüe en 12 idiomas.
Cintre tactique Cintre sec en plastique robuste Cintre à engrenages polyvalent Cintre de capacité de charge de 66 lb avec poignée de transport intégrée
Cintre tactique Cintre sec en plastique robuste Cintre à engrenages polyvalent Cintre de capacité de charge de 66 lb avec poignée de transport intégrée
2018 Football Coupe du Monde Drapeau Motif Sport Bracelet
2018 Football Coupe du Monde Drapeau Motif Sport Bracelet
Housse de bagage de voyage Housse de valise élastique Housse anti-poussière
Housse de bagage de voyage Housse de valise élastique Housse anti-poussière