iFLY Austin- First Time Flyers
Queenstown Combos- Canyon Fox + Shotover Jet + Kawarau Rafting
Experience the Canyon Fox - an exciting zip line ride with a twist. Standing at 182m high, the Canyon fox is the highest flying-fox in New Zealand which will drop you into a 10m freefall. Continue your adventure with the worlds most exciting jet boat ride. Speed along the water and around the narrow river bends at up to 85km/h before your skilled drive spins you 360 degrees. Top it off with white water rafting down the Kawarau or Shotover River. This iconic river has stretches of calm water with a unique perspective of the historic Kawarau Bungy Bridge as your raft passes underneath. Experience the rugged Gibbston Valley wine region and Lord of the Rings country before taking on New Zelands longest commercially rafted rapid, the 400m Dog Leg Rapid. YOU SHOULD BRING: Swim wear Towel Closed and secure shoes for the Swing & Fox Warm clothes during winter periods
Bike and Roll Chicago - Day Comfort Bike Rental
Our most popular bike!
The Verve is the versatile, easy-riding hybrid bike that will carry you wherever you want to go. It’s a light, fun, comfortable companion mile after mile.
Comfort Bike
Riding Map
Available in standard or step-through frames.
Sac à dos sec imperméable à l'eau Sac sec à roulettes pour le kayak, la plage, la navigation de plaisance, la randonnée, le camping, la pêche
Sac à dos sec imperméable à l'eau Sac sec à roulettes pour le kayak, la plage, la navigation de plaisance, la randonnée, le camping, la pêche
Cintre tactique Cintre sec en plastique robuste Cintre à engrenages polyvalent Cintre de capacité de charge de 66 lb avec poignée de transport intégrée
Cintre tactique Cintre sec en plastique robuste Cintre à engrenages polyvalent Cintre de capacité de charge de 66 lb avec poignée de transport intégrée
The View from The Shard - Super Saver
Super Saver Offer! Visit The View from the Shard for just £15!
Visit Dates: choose any date until Thursday 28th February 2019
Unrivalled 360 degree panoramic views, stretching over 40 miles across Greater London
Spot many of the city's iconic sights including St Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London & the River Thames
Experience Western Europe's highest viewing platform standing at 310 metres high
Astonishing 'open-air' skydeck, feel the breeze and hear the subtle sounds of the city below.
Informative digital telescopes taking you through the Capital's past, present - both day and night
Unlimited dwell time - enjoy the views at your own pace
Ticket Includes:
Instant ticket delivery.
Print your voucher and show it at The View from The Shard box office.
Why visit The View from The Shard?
The Shard is an iconic, landmark building on the London skyline, designed by Master Architect Renzo Piano. At a height of 1,016ft (310 m), the tallest building in Western Europe, the Shard redefines London's skyline and will be a dynamic symbol of London, recognisable throughout the world.
The View is situated at the top of The Shard, on floors 68, 69 and 72, and almost twice the height of any other viewing platform in London. Prepare to embark on a multi-sensory journey to 244 m (800ft) above of one of the greatest cities on earth. On arrival at Level 00, you will be drawn into the tapestry of London with glimpses of the city laid out before you. Travelling skyward in two high-speed ‘kaleidoscopic' lifts, you'll swiftly reach Level 68 - a cloudscape above the world.
Then journey to Level 69 where the view is revealed and London opens out before you. Here, in the sky above London, you'll experience an astonishing 360 degree, 64 km (40 mile) view over the city and beyond where the past, present and future of London will be unfurled beneath you, brought to life in multimedia displays.
For the best view in town, ascend to Level 72, at 244 m, the highest public level of The Shard. You'll be exposed to the elements with sounds of the city around you. Looking up, you'll see the shards of glass that form the top of this skyscraper as they disappear upwards into the sky.
Click here to view the sunset times in London
Failure to present the voucher at The Shard will result in you being denied entry.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Why not combine your visit to The Shard with other famous attractions and activities in London such as Tower Bridge or the nearby Top Horror Attraction in the World winner; London Bridge & Tombs?
Paradis Latin - Dinner & Show
Ermäßigte Eintrittskarten für eines der größten und berühmtesten Pariser Kabaretts! Das Paradis Latin bietet Ihnen feinstes Pariser Cabaret, Originalmusik, tolle Kostüme und beeindruckende Tanzdarbietungen. Genießen Sie diese spektaküläre, dynamische Show im Herzen des Rive Gauche mit einem 3-Gänge-Menü inklusive Wein und Champagner Informationen: Das Angebot gilt für Besuche bis zum 21. April 2019 (außer Dienstags) Abendessen: 20:00 Uhr Showbeginn: 21:30 Uhr Showende ca.: 23:30 Menü Auswahl: Menü "Festival": Garnele in Blätterteig oder Périgourdine-Salat Hähnchenfrikassee, Zucchinitorte oder frischer Lachs mit gedämpftem Gemüse «à la provençale» Eiscreme-Variationen 1/2 Flasche Bordeaux-Wein & 1/4 Flasche Champagner Menü "Star": Foie Gras an geröstetem Brioche oder geräucherte Lachsscheiben oder Schnecken Gebratenes Filet von der Seebrasse, Zitronen-Confit und geschmorte Endive oder Chateaubriand, Paprikasauce, Gratin Dauphinois oder Entenbrust in Scheiben an Cranberry und Honigsauce mit Kartoffeln Apfel-Tart, Karamellsauce oder eine Symphonie von Sorbets 1/2 Flasche Bordeaux-Wein & 1/4 Flasche Champagner Menü "Prestige": Tartar von der Seebrasse, mit Ingwer und Limette oder Krabbe mit Mango und Zitrusfrucht Noisette vom Lamm, Kruste aus Gartenkräuter oder frischer Kabeljau mit Gemüse oder Tournedos vom Rind mit Rossini und Gratin Dauphinois Paradis Latin von Carl Marletti oder Nougat Glacé an roten Beeren 1/2 Flasche Bordeaux-Wein & 1/4 Flasche Champagner Menü "KInder" (unter 12 Jahre): Salat Niçoise Gebratene Hähnchenschenkel und Pommes Eisvariationen Erfrischungsgetränk unbegrenzt