Rideaux à œillets d'intimité bloquant le soleil pour rideaux d'extérieur et d'intérieur à 1 panneau
Castaway Escape Cruise with Aristocat
Private Bali Cruise Named because of its crystal clear waters, guests on this one-of-a-kind Bali day trip will have the opportunity to snorkel over some of Indonesia’s best coral reefs, teeming with tropical marine life. You will have the opportunity to taste the local food cassava, and meet the islanders as they make flower offerings for their temple. A tropical BBQ lunch at the beach front restaurant will be served. The Castaway experience is a complete haven of relaxation. It is hands down one of the best daytime activities in Bali. You can enjoy a massage throughout the day or simply relax in a hammock overlooking the bay’s tranquil, tropical waters. CRUISE PROGRAM 08: 40 - Boarding. Morning coffee/tea and pastries served. 09: 00 - “Aristocat” departs Benoa Harbour – fishing on the way across to Nusa Penida. 11: 00 - “Aristocat” arrives at Nusa Penida, guests start snorkeling and transfer to Crystal Bay for village tour. 12: 30 - “Aristocat” leaves Nusa Penida for Lembongan Island. Refreshment onboard Aristocat. 13: 00 - “Aristocat” arrives Nusa Lembongan, guests transfer to Bali Hai Beach Club. 13: 15 - BBQ lunch is available at our Beachfront Hai Rizen Restaurant until 14:45. Complimentary tea/coffee is served throughout the day at restaurant. 14: 45 - All activities commence: Semi-submersible Coral Viewer departs at 15:00. Please book at the information counter before 14:30. Snorkeling tours depart at 15:00. Volleyball court available. Banana boat rides depart regularly from the beach. Swimming and snorkeling between the flags. 15: 45 - When you hear the kul kul (traditional bell) please check you have all personal belongings and prepare for return to “Aristocat” from the beach. Afternoon coffee and tea on board before depart. 16: 00 - “Aristocat” departs Lembongan Bay. 18: 00 - “Aristocat” arrives in Benoa Harbour.
Salzburg und Salzkammergut - Auf den Spuren von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Eine Tour, die Sie auf den Spuren Mozarts durch das malerische Voralpenland nach Salzburg, durch das Salzkammergut an den Wolfgangsee und zum Mondsee führt. Nach einer Fahrt durch das Voralpenland und vorbei am Chiemsee erreichen wir die Salzburg. Zur Erkundung der Geburtsstadt von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (* 1756) und seinem historischen Stadtkern, der zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe zählt, haben Sie 2,5 Stunden. Nächstes Ziel ist dann der Wolfgangsee. Wer möchte kann hier ein Boot nach St. Wolfgang nehmen und für einen Moment in die berühmten Filmkulisse („Weißes Rössel“) schlüpfen. Zudem bietet sich ein Besuch der Wallfahrtskirche an. Auf der Rückfahrt erwartet Sie eine weitere Filmkulisse: der Mondsee der „Trapp-Familie“. Highlights: Salzburg Mozart, Weißes Rössl und Salzkammergut Wolfgangsee Dauer: 11 Stunden Reisepass oder Personalausweis bzw. Visum für Österreich erforderlich! Eintritte sind nicht im Ticketpreis enthalten. Nebenkosten: Schiff € 13,- (nur im Sommer)
Adventure Photo Tours - Area 51 Top Secret Military Facility Tour
Before we leave Las Vegas we visit the airline that doesn't exist. Hidden in plain site is JANET Airlines, smack in the middle of Las Vegas on the international airport property. This fleet of six unmarked commercial jetliners fly hundreds of workers daily to and from Area 51, the incredible top secret airbase on Groom Lake that for decades, it too, didn't exist. The route to Area 51 is through some of the most desolate, uninhabited and incredibly scenic desert in the world. On the edge of an ancient dry lake we view very unusual Indian Petroglyphs that resemble aliens; we then explore this mysterious dry lake where recent sightings of UFO's have been observed. After another beautiful drive along the "Extraterrestrial Highway" we arrive at the famous Little A'le' Inn. This location has been the host of numerous documentaries and movies including Independence Day. Here you will find a wealth of information and souvenirs on this top-secret area. Captain Chuck Clark, an ex-air force captain, has written a manual on Area 51, which is also available for purchase. After a great Alien Burger at the Little A'le' Inn we journey to the infamous Black Mailbox, a sacred meeting place for UFO enthusiasts. We arrive at the absolute perimeter of Area 51 through a strange and unexplained "mutant" Joshua tree forest where the guards ("The Men In Black") forever stand watch along with detection devices, listening devices and cameras mounted among the cactus. The signs read, "Top Secret Military Facility, Keep Out, Use of Deadly force Authorized" and I'm sure they mean it. You can wave at the heavily armed guards in the 4x4 parked on the desert hillside but they don't wave back. They just wait and watch from behind their darkened windows. It's very spooky. As much as the United States government has denied the existence of this base, we know it is there but no one knows what it is they do there. This is an extreme tour to the world's most top secret military facility, the real home of the "X files". Includes: Lunch unlimited bottled water and snacks professional guides
AONIJIE Chapeau extérieur de visière de course
AONIJIE Chapeau extérieur de visière de course
Xiaomi Youpin IGNITE Sac à bandoulière Sports Fashion Sac à bandoulière 39L Tissu imperméable léger Ergonomique Voyage en plein air Hommes Femmes Sac à main
Xiaomi Youpin IGNITE Sac à bandoulière Sports Fashion Sac à bandoulière 39L Tissu imperméable léger Ergonomique Voyage en plein air Hommes Femmes Sac à main
UV400 Clip de lunettes de soleil polarisées sans monture
UV400 Clip de lunettes de soleil polarisées sans monture