Liverpool FC Stadium Tour
Grand Canyon Helicopters - Canyon Magic
Sample Itinerary: Clients arrive at Grand Canyon Helicopters Terminal 30 minutes prior to departure for check-in All passengers 18 years of age and older must present government issued photo ID Clients board helicopter and will enjoy scenic views of the North canyon, South Rim and Dragon Corridor Clients return to the terminal after an approximate 25-30 minute roundtrip flight Helicopter Flight: Over the deepest and widest part of the Grand Canyon. Approximately 25-30 minutes Narration (Helicopter): Individual headphones with digital music and narration in several languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Chinese
Wild Florida 8 - Paquete VIP Everglades + Transporte
¿No le gusta compartir? Reserve un bote solo para su familia y amigos para realizar un tour personalizado, teniendo en cuenta sus intereses. Durante el tour recorrerá 1700 hectáreas de pantanos protegidos, ciénagas y ríos que conforman los Everglades de Florida. Podrá observar detenidamente cocodrilos, águilas, aves y los árboles y plantas que caracterizan este fabuloso humedal. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Los hidrodeslizadores utilizados durante este tour están diseñados especialmente para no dañar esta reserva ecológica, están aprobados por la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. La seguridad es uno de los principales puntos a tener en cuenta, por eso en los hidrodeslizadores proporcionan a los clientes chalecos salvavidas y protección auditiva. ¡No olvides la deliciosa barbacoa con costillas ahumadas, pollo cerdo desmenuzado, cocodrilo frito e incluso patas de rana!
Werribee Open Range Zoo + Melbourne Aquarium
There are keeper talks and feeding times so you can learn more about the animals, get a closer look and your questions answered. You can also feed the friendly Kangaroos and pose for photos with them in the Kangaroo exhibit.
Hampton Court Palace + London Eye
Hampton Court Palace Hampton Court Palace has provided a luxurious retreat for many of Britain's most famous Kings and Queens. Henry VIII was so inspired by it that he spent three of his honeymoons here. And visitors continue to escape to Britain's greatest palace to experience its history, splendour and stunning scale. Discover what it was really like to live and work at Hampton Court Palace. Take a fascinating journey through 500 years of royal history. Marvel at the impressive architecture and opulent interiors of the State Apartments and see the vast Tudor Kitchens in full swing. Enjoy the breathtaking Great Hall and Chapel Royal, and see how Sir Christopher Wren transformed the palace to rival Versailles. Take time to appreciate one of the finest collections of Renaissance paintings in Europe, and listen to tales of intrigue at the royal court from expert guides dressed in full historical costume. Or enjoy an audio tour, available in 9 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Korean and Japanese. They can be collected from the Information Centre in Clock Court. And that's before you've even begun to explore the stunning riverside gardens where you'll find the famous Maze and one of the world's oldest vines. ‘Top Ten’ things to see and do at Hampton Court. These sights are 'unmissable' Access to these sights is included in your admission ticket, unless otherwise stated. Henry VIII's Great Hall The Great Hall is England’s greatest medieval hall and one of Britain’s oldest theatres. William Shakespeare’s company performed there in 1603-4. Young Henry VIII exhibition Meet the 'pin-up' prince, before he became fat old Henry VIII, at our Young Henry VIII exhibition (included in your admission ticket). The exhibition includes paintings and interactive displays. The world famous Maze Test yourself and get enjoyably lost in 'the most famous Maze in the history of the world'. Entry is included in your ‘All Palace and Gardens’ admission ticket. A 'Maze only' entry is also available. Tudor kitchens Built to feed the Court of Henry VIII, the kitchens were expected to provide meals for 600 people twice a day. See the kitchens today and experience the sights and smells of a real Tudor kitchen! Beautiful gardens Wander through over 60 acres of beautifully maintained and internationally celebrated gardens at Hampton Court Palace. Entry is included in your ‘All Palace and Gardens’ admission ticket. Henry VIII: Heads and Hearts Join Henry for his wedding celebrations and see surprising portraits and personal objects of his wives. Family fun activities We have a wide range of activities and tours to entertain families. Choose from family trails, our world-famous maze, costumed guided tours, live Tudor cookery and much much more. The Chapel Royal This beautiful chapel has been in continuous use for over 450 years. Visitors are welcome to attend religious services at The Chapel Royal. Tiltyard café - kids' meal deal! History makes you hungry! At the Tiltyard café, choose from any kid's hot meal with lemonade or milk and a fairy cake for just £3.95. Deliciously great value. London Eye At 450ft high, the London Eye is the world's highest observation wheel. 32 Capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Combine your experience with the London Eye River Cruise Experience, a 40-minute sightseeing circular cruise on the River Thames, passing the Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. London Eye 4D Experience The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to the London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of the London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on he London Eye itself. Please remember that the boarding procedure for the London Eye takes 30 minutes so you will need to arrive at least 30 minutes before your reserved time. Please take this into consideration when choosing your time. We have timed allocations for every day of the year. You book online direct from our allocations and your booking is therefore immediately confirmed subject only to the authorisation of your credit card charge. If no suitable time is available, you will be given the option of a request booking which will be fulfilled as soon as we are able to get additional space - for which we check with London Eye Administration on a daily basis. The confirmed time of your request booking will be printed on your voucher together with details of how to get to the London Eye. You will need to exchange your voucher and join the boarding procedure at least 30 minutes before your confirmed time. For a different perspective visit at sunset and see the city lights come on and the skyline awash with vibrant colours. Unaccompanied children are not permitted to board the London Eye. Any booking made for an unaccompanied child will be taken as confirmation that the child will be joining a party under the supervision of an adult aged 18 years or older. 365 Tickets will not be held responsible if a child is turned away at the London Eye, nor will the ticket be refundable! Safety and security is our number one priority. For your safety and convenience, please read the following information on what items can and can not be taken on to the London Eye. Please be aware that all guests are subject to a security search when boarding the London Eye. Please note that the following items CAN be taken on board the London Eye: • briefcases • laptops • small day size rucksacks and bags (maximum size 18" x 13" x 8" or 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) • baby bags The following items CANNOT be taken on board the London Eye; • large bags/suitcases or rucksacks • motorcycle helmets • skateboards and rollerblades • tripods (unless agreed in advance with the London Eye) • baby buggies* • prohibited items** If you are unsure . * Baby buggies can be left at our 'Buggy' area facility in the ticket hall, although only for the duration of the experience. ** Prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns. If such objects are found or declared they will be checked in and returned to you after your experience providing the item is legal in the UK. Terms and conditions 1. Confiscated objects are left entirely at the owner's risk at all times. 2. The Coca-Cola London Eye accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any objects left with The Coca-Cola London Eye. 3. The Coca-Cola London Eye is entitled to refuse to store any visitor's objects at its sole discretion whether for public safety reasons or any other reason.
City Sightseeing - San Francisco - Alcatraz + Bus Turístico 3 Días
Parks & Beach Tour (ruta roja) Vea Golden Gate Park y el Océano Pacífico! Este tour de una hora lo lleva a través de uno de los parques urbanos más grandes del mundo a la impresionante Ocean Beach. Algunos de los puntos destacados del tour incluyen: la Academia de Ciencias de California, el Museo De Young, los Jardines de Té Japoneses, el Conservatorio de Flores, el Parque Lincoln, la Ocean Beach, las ruinas históricas de los Baños Sutro, las rutas de senderismo Lands End, la Casa del Acantilado. Official City Tour (ruta azul) Este tour de inicia en Fisherman’s Wharf, pasando por Ghirardelli Square, the Palace of Fine Arts y Marina District, antes de visitar el icónico puente Golden Gate. En el Punto Sur podrá bajar del autobús y caminar a través de las 1,7 millas del puente i explorar el Centro de Visitantes de Golden Gate y el Presidio. El tour sigue hasta Golden Gate Park,uno de los paraísos artificiales más grandes del mundo, que se extiende por más de 50 manzanas de la ciudad y alberga 10 lagos, cosas que lo convierten en uno de los lugares más populares de San Francisco. Con varias paradas en todo el parque, podrá visitar California Academy of Sciences, the De Young Museum, Japanese Tea Garden o Botanical Gardens. Continuando la excursión a través de Haight Ashbury, experimentará el llamado "Distrito Hippie", antes de dirigirse a la zona del Centro Cívico con muchos monumentos arquitectónicos como el impresionante Ayuntamiento, la Opera House, Symphony Hall, Asian Art Museum y la libería pública. Desde allí, el tour continuará hasta el distrito central de compras de San Francisco – Union Square,donde encontrará Macy’s Department y cientos de tiendas más. Después de aproximadamente 2 horas, volverán a Fisherman’s Wharf, realizando paradas en varios lugares de la costa, incluyendo, Pier 39 con sus mundialmente famosos leones marinos, restaurantes, tiendas, muchas opciones para ir de compras y muchas atracciones de San Francisco. Sausalito Tour (ruta púrpura) Realice esta excursión desde el Punto South Vista para obtener las mejores vistas de Golden Gate Bridge mientras pasa a través del puente hacia North Vista Point. Desde allí obtendrá vistas de la bahía de San Francisco (siempre que el tiempo lo permita), y durante un día despejado incluso podrá ver el horizonte de San Francisco, la isla de Alcatraz y Bay Bridge, de manera que podrá sacar fantásticas fotos. El tour continuará por Marin County y se detendrá en el encantador Sausalito donde podrá bajar del autobús para pasear, ir de compras, cenar, visitar varias galerías de art y disfrutar de un relajante almuerzo junto al mar. Tour Nocturno - San Francisco Este tour narrado con una duración de 90 minutos por San Francisco le mostrará los mejores barrios vibrantes de la ciudad. Con vistas espectaculares desde la parte superior del autobús podrá ver todos los sitios importantes de San Francisco y visitar las áreas más populares como Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square, Financial District, Embarcadero, Chinatown, North Beach y Nob Hill con su impresionante Catedral Grace. Tour ALCATRAZ Tour (deberá ser reservado previamente y se le otorgará una hora para realizar la visita) El tour por la isla de Alcatraz incluye billetes de ida y vuelta con el ferri hasta "La Roca" de San Francisco, la infame isla de la prisión, donde podrá disfrutar de un tour con audioguía por el interior de la presión (disponible en varios idiomas). De esta manera, tendrá flexibilidad para explorar Alcatraz a su propio ritmo. La hora de la salida del ferri se le proporcionará al canjear sus cupones por entradas.
Cruceros por las Tres Islas - Crucero Turístico
Primera parada – la cosmopolita isla de Hydra Calles adoquinadas, su belleza arquitectónica, así como sus medios de trasporte tradicionales… ¡cómo el burro! Podrá ver las hermosas fortalezas y las impresionantes mansiones, disfrutar de un paseo por las pintorescas calles o incluso visitar lugares de interés histórico. Segunda parada – el puerto de Poroso Una isla frondosa de vegetación, una magnífica belleza natural y miles de pinos, desde las playas escarpadas hasta las playas de arena, haciendo de Poros la isla del romance y la tranquilidad. Camine por la ciudad y descubra el ayuntamiento, el museo arqueológico, la biblioteca púbica, el centro cultural y las pequeñas casas blancas de la isla… siga hasta el punto más alto de la isla y descubra la histórica y famosa Torre del Reloj de Poros. Última parada – la histórica Egina La isla más grande de golfo Sarónico, la isla de Egina es conocida en todo el mundo por sus deliciosos pistachos, sus playas vírgenes y el Templo de Afaia. Podrá coger un autobús hasta el Templo de Afaia y la Iglesia Saint Nectarios o nadar y visitar la isla Agistri sólo es accesible por un pequeño barco. Transporte hasta/desde Puerto de Piraeus: Traslados en autobuses disponibles hasta/desde Puerto Piraeus, el lugar desde el cual sale el crucero, y 150 hoteles céntricos en Atenas y la región Attica. Opción incluida en la entrada: Crucero + Transporte. Por favor al realizar la compra rellene el formulario donde se le pide el Hotel donde pasará su estancia. Tenga en cuenta: Deberá traer documentación de identidad válida (pasaporte o DNI). Prepare los vales que se le enviaron a su correo impresos y preparados para mostrarlos cuando haga el embarque. En el caso de que no lo traiga, se le podrá negar a entrada y no se le devolverá el dinero. No permitido a bordo de la embarcación: animales, comida o alcohol comprados fuera de la embarcación, drogas y substancias peligrosas. Las mujeres embarazadas deberán traer un certificado médico, No se permitirá la entrada de niños menores de 3 años. Términos y Condiciones completos