
Crucero al Atardecer - Santorini
Windsor Castle - Standard Ticket
Windsor Castle in London ist das älteste und am längsten bewohnte Schloss weltweit. Es ist die offizielle Residenz der Queen und ist Zeuge sowie Schauplatz von 900 Jahren britischer Geschichte. Windsor Castle – ein gigantisches Schloss Mit mehr als 1000 Zimmern, 4500 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche gehört das Windsor Castle zu den größten Gebäuden der Welt. 13Hektar beträgt die gesamte Größe des Grundstücks. Wilhelm der Eroberer erbaute die Burg nach der Schlacht in der Normandie zunächst aus Holz im Stil einer Motte (Holzburg). Im Jahr 1100 bezog Heinrich der VII die Räumlichkeiten. Er erweiterte die Burg, ersetzte das Holz durch Stein und funktionierte das Gemäuer zu seinem Königspalast um. Heimat zahlreicher Monarchen Einige der berühmtesten Monarchen Englands, darunter Heinrich VIII. und sein Vater Heinrich VII., die auch in der Schlosskirche ihre ewige Ruhe fanden, bewohnten Windsor Castle. Bis heute hatten insgesamt haben 39 englische Royals ihren offiziellen Wohnsitz im Palast. Windsor Castle war die Lieblingsresidenz von Königin Victoria und ihrem Ehemann Prinz Albert. Nach dessen Tod trug Victoria nur noch Schwarz und wurde vom Volk als die Witwe von Windsor bezeichnet. Heute ist das Schloss die Heimat von Königin Elizabeth II und wird jedes Jahr während der Osterzeit von der Königin und ihrem Ehemann Prinz Philip bewohnt. Zusammen mit dem Holyrood Palace ist das Schloss ist auch die Residenz der Königin an freien Wochenenden. Besuchen Sie Windsor Castle Das Schloss ist das ganze Jahr über für Besucher geöffnet. Es öffnet um 09:30 Uhr und schließt um 17:30 Uhr. In den Wintermonaten (November bis Februar) öffnet das Schloss etwas später um 09:45 Uhr und schließt um 16:15 Uhr. Die Wachablösung findet jeden Morgen zwischen 11:00 und 11:30 Uhr statt. Schlossführungen sind gerade in den Sommermonaten sehr beliebt und dauern in der Regel zwei bis drei Stunden. Das Highlight im Jahr 2018: Die königliche Hochzeit Am 19. Mai 2018 fand im Windsor Castle die königliche Hochzeit von Prinz Harry und seiner Braut Megan Markle statt. Die Hochzeit wurde in der St. George's Chapel abgehalten. Die Kapelle wurde ursprünglich im 14. Jahrhundert von Edward dem VIII. erbaut, bevor sie im 15. Jahrhundert großzügig erweitert wurde. In der Kapelle finden jetzt mehr als 800 Gäste Platz und sie war Schauplatz vieler königlicher Hochzeiten, Taufen und Beerdigungen. Die Hochzeit von Prinz Charles von Wales und Camilla Parker Bowles, sowie der Taufe von Prinz Harry waren bedeutende Ereignisse der jüngeren Vergangenheit. Im Herbst 2018 wird in der Kapelle auch die Hochzeit von Prinzessin Eugenie und Jack Brooksbank stattfinden.
Kennedy Space Center Tour
Be a part of history in the making as you explore the ins and outs of Kennedy Space Center on this out-of-this-world day tour. You’ll have access to restricted areas, walk under the massive Saturn V rocket and even meet and greet an astronaut from the Space Program! One of the many highlights of your day will be the Shuttle Launch Experience, a space simulator that gives you a taste of what the astronauts feel when they lift off. You’ll also be able to view IMAX movies giving you a 3D look into what it’s like to walk on the moon, and visit the rocket garden for a surreal experience surrounded by giant rocket ‘flowers.’ The Kennedy Space Center Tour is a can’t-miss chance to feel like a real astronaut! Gray Line guests are to receive an exclusive Astronaut meet and greet at Kennedy Space Center! Gray Line of Orlando has worked closely with DNC Parks and Resorts in order to bring a very special value added incentive to all clients arriving on the tour buses to Kennedy Space Center. Upon arrival at the Kennedy Space Center, Gray Line tour escorts will accompany you into the visitor center complex, and then take you into the Astronaut Encounter theatre. Once there you will receive a short video presentation followed by a welcome meet and greet by an ASTRONAUT! The Astronaut will welcome the all Gray Line guests to the Kennedy Space Center and give them some hints and tips of ways to ensure they enjoy their day. This welcome from one of NASAs finest is a complimentary service and no refunds would apply if the Astronaut could not attend. It is simply a great value added benefit for guests.
Cruceros por las Tres Islas - Crucero Turístico
Primera parada – la cosmopolita isla de Hydra Calles adoquinadas, su belleza arquitectónica, así como sus medios de trasporte tradicionales… ¡cómo el burro! Podrá ver las hermosas fortalezas y las impresionantes mansiones, disfrutar de un paseo por las pintorescas calles o incluso visitar lugares de interés histórico. Segunda parada – el puerto de Poroso Una isla frondosa de vegetación, una magnífica belleza natural y miles de pinos, desde las playas escarpadas hasta las playas de arena, haciendo de Poros la isla del romance y la tranquilidad. Camine por la ciudad y descubra el ayuntamiento, el museo arqueológico, la biblioteca púbica, el centro cultural y las pequeñas casas blancas de la isla… siga hasta el punto más alto de la isla y descubra la histórica y famosa Torre del Reloj de Poros. Última parada – la histórica Egina La isla más grande de golfo Sarónico, la isla de Egina es conocida en todo el mundo por sus deliciosos pistachos, sus playas vírgenes y el Templo de Afaia. Podrá coger un autobús hasta el Templo de Afaia y la Iglesia Saint Nectarios o nadar y visitar la isla Agistri sólo es accesible por un pequeño barco. Transporte hasta/desde Puerto de Piraeus: Traslados en autobuses disponibles hasta/desde Puerto Piraeus, el lugar desde el cual sale el crucero, y 150 hoteles céntricos en Atenas y la región Attica. Opción incluida en la entrada: Crucero + Transporte. Por favor al realizar la compra rellene el formulario donde se le pide el Hotel donde pasará su estancia. Tenga en cuenta: Deberá traer documentación de identidad válida (pasaporte o DNI). Prepare los vales que se le enviaron a su correo impresos y preparados para mostrarlos cuando haga el embarque. En el caso de que no lo traiga, se le podrá negar a entrada y no se le devolverá el dinero. No permitido a bordo de la embarcación: animales, comida o alcohol comprados fuera de la embarcación, drogas y substancias peligrosas. Las mujeres embarazadas deberán traer un certificado médico, No se permitirá la entrada de niños menores de 3 años. Términos y Condiciones completos
Ocean Fly - Crucero en Catamarán 5 h
Disfrute de barra libre durante todo el crucero: cerveza, sangría, cava y refresco Apto para todas las edades.
Stonehenge Inner Circle Access, Oxford & Windsor (Early)
Private Viewing of Stonehenge Most visitors to Stonehenge are not allowed direct access to the stones. On this special day trip from London, you'll be invited to enter the stone circle itself, and stand beside the mysterious rocks towering above you. Your guide will unlock the secrets of this ancient World Heritage site. Enjoy the peace, away from the crowds, as you experience Stonehenge at its atmospheric best at sunrise. Oxford The colleges in Oxford date back to the 13th century and among its famous students were Bill Clinton, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Lewis Carroll. We take you on a fascinating walking tour, which includes visiting the Great Hall in Christ Church, where many scenes from Harry Potter were filmed. We'll also see the Bodleian Library and the picture perfect college courtyards for which Oxford is famous. Windsor Castle Our day continues with a visit to Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest occupied Castle in the world, and home of the Royal Family for 900 years. Its proud, strong walls dominate the delightful town that has grown around the castle over the years. You'll see the lavishly decorated State Apartments containing priceless furniture in glorious colours and St George's Chapel, home to the 14th Century Order of the Royal Garter, our senior chivalric order. Visitors can still enjoy the extensive Castle Precincts, St George's Chapel (except on Sundays and certain other dates - please see below), Queen Mary's Dolls' House and the exhibition in the Drawings Gallery. St. George's Chapel is open daily but closed to visitors on Sundays as services are held throughout the day. As a working royal palace, the Castle is used frequently by The Queen for State ceremonies and official entertaining and opening arrangements may change with no notice.
Empire State Building + NY Water Taxi All Day Access Pass
Empire State Building Observatory
The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world.
The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond.
The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment.
Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view.
Additional Options:
102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk for an additional $20.00.
Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line.
Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
Building Information
1,050 feet to the 86th floor Observatory
1,250 feet to the 102nd floor Observatory
1,453 feet, 8 9/16 inches to the tip of the broadcast tower
Broadcast tower adds 203 feet 8 9/16 inches
103 floors
1,872 steps to the 103rd floor
Sits on 79,288 square feet, approximately 2 acres
Weighs 365,000 tons
Volume is 37 million cubic feet
200,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone & granite exterior cladding
An estimated ten million bricks were used in construction
730 tons of aluminum and stainless steel were used in construction
57,000 tons of steel were used in construction
Contains 473 miles of electrical wiring and 70 miles of pipe
6,514 windows
210 columns at the base support the entire weight of the building
Construction was completed in one year and 45 days
Seven million man-hours went into constructing the Empire State Building
Final cost of property and construction was $41 million
73 elevators
Five entrances
2.85 million rentable square feet
New York Water Taxi
Do the complete ride alone in 90-minutes - or go at your own pace, hopping on and off as many times as you like at any one of the four convenient piers (listed below), and have a blast exploring!
Some of the popular sites to visit along the route:
Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
Times Square / Broadway
Hudson River Park
National Museum of the American Indian
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Financial District /Wall Street
South Street Seaport
Brooklyn Bridge Park
...and much, much more!
All-Day Access Pass service stops at:
Midtown: W. 42nd Street
Downtown: Battery Park
Downtown: South Street Seaport
Pier 1 - Brooklyn Bridge Park, DUMBO