Cabelo Virgem Cabelo Natural Remy 6x13 Encerramento Frente de Malha Peruca Corte em Camadas Parte do meio Parte lateral estilo Cabelo Brasileiro Liso Natural Straight Peruca 130% Densidade do Cabelo
Leather Barber Scissor Hairdressing Holster Pouch Holder Case Rivet Clips Bag with Waist Shoulder Belt
Features: Perfect tool for hairdresser, barber. 4 scissor pockets and 2 main pockets(for comb, hair salon clips, etc) with 1 interior section, 7 spaces in total. Detachable belt can be attached around the waist or across the shoulder. Help to keep your most important tools at your side all the time. Lightweight, compact, and strong and can hold all your necessities. Looks neat and very smart.
Hive of Beauty Paraffin Pellets - Peach 700g
Peach Paraffin Wax is ideal for use on the hands and body to soften and hydrate the skin. A relaxing and moisturising treatment suitable for all face and body paraffin treatment
capless 100% perruques de cheveux humains ondulés brun moyen pour les cheveux
Construction de bonnet:Sans bonnet; Longueur:Moyenne; Tour de tête:Moyenne; Du haut vers le bas (Pouces):15; Fibre:Cheveux humains; Couleur:Marron; Frange:Frange de côté; Poids de livraison (g):165; Texture des cheveux:Ondulé; Poids net (g):160; Style:Style européen; Occasion:Quotidien; Genre:Femme
Couleurs 26inch 1Pcs Remy Loops anneaux micro perles à pointe extensions de cheveux droites Plus légères 100s/pake 0,5 g / l
Longueur:26 pouces; Texture:Droit; Fibre:Cheveux Indian Remy 100%; Type:Loop/Anneau; Pièces recommandées pour le coiffage:4-5; Emballage (Pièces / kit):4-5
Après shampoing cheveux normaux Soothing Lavender Urtekram
Apres shampoing cheveux normaux Soothing Lavender 180ml Urtekram L Apres-shampoing cheveux normaux Soothing Lavender 180ml Urtekram va apporter a vos cheveux douceur et souplesse. Il redonne a vos cheveux de la vitalite et de la brillance. Formule a base de produits naturels et vegan, l Apres-shampoing cheveux normaux Soothing Lavender 180ml Urtekram respecte la nature sensible du cuir chevelu. Il laissera derriere lui un doux parfum de lavande relaxant et apaisant. L apres-shampoing cheveux normaux Soothing Lavender 180ml Urtekram est riche en vitamines apportees par les huiles vegetales, telles que l huile de brocoli, ideale pour la souplesse. L huile de noix de coco et d eucalyptus vont nourrir vos cheveux en profondeur et leur donner du volume, tandis que l huile de camomille va leur donner de la brillance. Compose essentiel, l acide hyaluronique va hydrater la fibre du cheveu en profondeur et la gainer.
XP200 Natural Flair Permanent Hair Colour - 7.35 Gold Mahogany Blonde 100ml
XP200 Natural Flair is a gentle ultra-cosmetic permanent hair colouring cream featuring plant extracts to respect the hair and create gorgeous, natural colour results. Its gentle formula is created using natural extract from palm seed and coconut to protect against damage and guarantee shade stability whilst creating the most natural, translucent colour effects. The XP200 Permanent colour range includes over 60 natural and reflex shades; including coppers, ashes, reds and golds all containing micro colour pigments for better penetration and longer lasting colour. The Super lightener series is enriched with vitamin C for optimal condition when lifting up to 4.5 levels. With up to 100% Grey coverage, XP200 features sequestering agents to protect the hair from daily pollution and deliver improved shade performance. XP200 is the perfect choice for you and your clients seeking permanent results.