BPEN - Bunyip Tours - Phillip Island Ultimate Eco Day Tour
Étui pour menottes avec étui pour menottes avec boucle de ceinture
Étui pour menottes avec étui pour menottes avec boucle de ceinture
Jack the Ripper & Haunted London tour with fish & chips
Our tour begins with a coach drive direct to the dark side of London. The Theatre Drury Lane, said to be the most haunted theatre in London, your guide will tell you why! We see The Old Bailey - the site of numerous public hangings, drive along Fleet Street, home of Sweeny Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street - and his accomplice, Mrs Lovatt, who was said to have baked pies from the flesh of his victims, selling them to unsuspecting customers. As the shadows lengthen, we approach London's East End, a hotbed of crime and vice in the 19th century. During the autumn of 1888, terror struck when Jack the Ripper came out of the fog and dimly lit alleys just long enough to stalk and butcher his five victims. We leave the coach and walk his death trail inspecting the murder sites, deciphering the evidence and discussing the suspects. We will see the 10 Bells Pub, built in 1752 where many of Jack the Ripper's victims were said to have drunk. To this day the case remains unsolved. This is a combination coach/walking tour and will finish at a traditional pub.
5 sets Sac de Voyage / Organisateur de voyage / Organisateur de Bagage Grande Capacité / Portable / Pliable Vêtements Nylon Voyage
Catégorie:Sac de Voyage,Organisateur de voyage,Cubes de Rangement,Organisateur de Bagage; Activité:Voyage; Quantité:5 sets; Fonction Première:Vêtements; Matériau:Nylon; Dimensions: / ; Fonction:Rangement de Voyage,Portable,Épaissir,Durable,Grande Capacité,Pliable; Poids Net:0.02; Pays populaire:Suède,Australie,Denmark; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:COD
Loro Parque & Siam Park - Twin Ticket + Transport
Siam Park ist das Teneriffas thailändisches Wasserreich und ist einer der besten Wasserparks der Welt. Hier finden Sie eine wunderbare Auswahl an wild-nassen Abenteuern für die ganze Familie. Adrenalin-Junkies kommen mit dem Tower of Power, den Mekong Rapids, dem Kinaree, dem Vulkan und dem Wave Palace voll auf ihre Kosten. Auch ein Highlight: Erleben Sie Schwerelosigkeit auf dem mächtigen Drachen. Zur Entspannung können Sie es sich auf einer Sonnenliege unter Palmen am Siam Beach, dem weißesten Strand der Kanaren, bequem machen. Dieser exklusiv zum Siam Park gehörende Strand hat sich mit dem großen Wellenbecken „Palacio de Olas“ zu einem ganz besonderen Ort entwickelt. Auch einzigartig: Der Lazy River! Dieser tropische Fluss durchquert den Park mal auf langsamen und mal auf schnelleren Abschnitten. Dabei genießen Sie die besten Aussichten auf den Park und auf seine exotische Umgebung. Lost City hat eine eigene Babyzone mit vielen lustigen Features wie Wasserpistolen, Springbrunnen, Wasserfällen, Brücken, Netzen und Minidias – perfekt für die Kleinen. Die Loro Park Foundation ist stolz, das weltweit größte Reservat an Papageien zu beherbergen und einige der am meisten bedrohten Arten der Welt zu schützen. Jedes Jahr züchten wir mehr als tausend Papageien heran, um dessen Erhaltung zu sichern.Sie werden erstaunt sein über den Einfallsreichtum und das Talent, mit denen die unterhaltsamen Papageien ihre eigenen Shows gestalten.
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition & Globe Theatre Tour + Afternoon Tea with Prosecco
A Midsummer Night’s dream Afternoon Tea inspired by scenes from the play, guests will be able to enjoy a collection of sweet and savory delights, many of which can be traced back to the food and characters seen in the play itself. Visitors to the exhibition can discover how shows were produced in the theatres of Shakespeare's time, from writing and rehearsals to music, dance and performance. There are opportunities to learn about the traditional crafts and techniques used during the process of rebuilding the Globe; to find out how special effects were produced in Shakespeare's time, to listen to recordings from some of the most memorable Shakespearean performances ever, or join the cast and add your own voice to a scene recorded by Globe actors; to create your own Shakespearean phrases in the word jungle; to watch a sword-fighting display and browse the costume collection, where you can learn about the extraordinary methods used in creating clothes 400 years ago. A visit to the Exhibition includes a guided tour of the theatre where expert guide-storytellers provide fascinating half hour tours of the auditorium, taking visitors on a journey through time back to Elizabethan London as well as the reconstruction process of the 1980's-90's and how the wooden 'o' works today as an imaginative and experimental theatrical space. An exhibition visit and theatre tour lasts about one and a half hours. Before or after your visit why not indulge in Afternoon Tea served at Swan at the Globe? Enjoy the lovely view of the River Thames while savouring a very British & delicious tea. All ingredients are sourced from local farmers, foragers and markets. MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM AFTERNOON TEA Sandwiches Herb fed lemon chicken, pea flower Smoked salmon, grape mustard & dill pancake Wild mushroom, whipped truffle cheese tart Duck egg mayonnaise, asparagus Sweets Chocolate & Violet chouquettes Lemon & rose cake Strawberry delice, elderflower meringue Hibiscus & apricot shot Mulberry scones & plain scones served with clotted cream and Midsummer jam Drinks Served with tea of your choice and a glass of prosecco
Écran couleur LED sac à dos personnalisable sac de voyage sac d'école
Écran couleur LED sac à dos personnalisable sac de voyage sac d'école