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Eiffel Tower Visit, Paris City Tour and Seine Cruise
We leave the central office of Cityrama on the Rue de Rivoli and drive via the Place de la Concorde, Champs Elysées as far as the Arc de Triomphe. You then drive towards the 16th district, known as one of the most prestigious areas in Paris. The first stop is at the quai de la Bourdonnais and you board your Bateaux Parisiens boat for a cruise with audio-commentary available in 12 languages along the River Seine. (Duration : 1 hour). On leaving the cruise you catch the famous Eiffel Tower lift as far as the 2nd floor. The tour ends at the Eiffel Tower. Included Highlights: Guided tour of Paris in a luxury panoramic air-conditioned coach Audio-guides in your language to understand Paris history Bateaux Parisiens Seine Cruise of one hour to see the famous buildings of Paris Visit the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower where you will get a unique view of all Paris Service of a multilingual guide/hostess Tour Departs: In winter 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 - In summer 09.00 / 10.00 / 12.00 / 13:00 / 15.00 Duration: 4 Hours approx. Important Operation Information : In 2018, Eiffel Tower will renovate its lifts. The renovation will last at least 12 months and implies that one lift will be out of service during this period. Well will keep you informed of any fusther notice.
Universal Studios® Hollywood - Tagesticket früh
Die Online-Preise variieren je nach Jahreszeit, und nicht alle Daten sind immer verfügbar. Wählen Sie oben ein gewünschtes Datum für die spezifische Preisgestaltung aus. Fahrten und Shows: Mit atemberaubenden Fahrgeschäften und Shows kannst du in einige der größten Filme der Welt eintauchen. Sehenswürdigkeiten Die Zauberwelt von Harry Potter™ Jetzt geöffnet! Erkunden Sie die Geheimnisse der Burg von Hogwarts ™, besuchen Sie die Geschäfte von Hogsmeade ™ und kosten Sie Proben von einigen der bekanntesten Einrichtungen der Zaubererwelt. Erleben Sie Harry Potter und die Verbotene Reise ™ und Flight of the Hippogriff ™, die Sie in eine Welt voller magischer Emotionen versetzen. Die Walking Dead Attraktion Am 4. Juli tritt die postapokalyptische Welt von AMCs "The Walking Dead" in einer ganz neuen Attraktion auf. Studiotour Gehen Sie hinter die Kulissen der legendären Studio Tour, um Hollywoods berühmtestes Hinterland im weltgrößten Filmstudio zu erkunden. Fast & Furious - Supercharged Feiern Sie den 50. Jahrestag der weltberühmten Studio Tour und halten Sie sich fest für das brandneue Finale, Fast & Furious - Supercharged! King Kong 360 3-D Verpassen Sie nicht das preisgekrönte King Kong 360 3-D von Peter Jackson - das weltweit größte 3D-Erlebnis! Nacht Studio Tour Erleben Sie Hollywoods berühmtesten Backlot wie nie zuvor, während Sie an Bord der neuen Nighttime Studio Tour die Magie des Filmemachens im Mondlicht erkunden. Transformers™: Der Ride-3D Diese Fahrt ist eine mitreißende Thrill-Fahrt der nächsten Generation, die die Grenze zwischen Fiktion und Realität verwischen lässt. Die Simpsons Ride ™ Die Simpsons ™ besuchen Krustyland. Haben Sie viel Spaß mit Homer, Marge, Bart ... Jurassic Park® - Die Fahrt Komm 'Angesicht zu Angesicht mit lebenden Dinosauriern, einem 50-Fuß-T-Rex, und einem 84-Fuß-todesmutigen Floßsprung. Shrek 4-D™ Mit Shrek 4-D ™ kannst du Abenteuer auf einem nächsten Level erleben - die Attraktion, die mit haarsträubenden Effekten so real ist, dass alle deine Sinne in der Ogerzeit sind. Live-Musik, Filme, Clubs, gutes Essen und immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Mehr als 30 Restaurants, 3 heiße Nachtclubs, 19 Kinosäle mit dem neuesten Stand der Technik IMAX® und mehr als 30 einzigartige Geschäfte: Universal CityWalk könnte dein neuer Lieblingsort in LA werden. Er befindet sich direkt neben den Universal Studios Hollywood. Bedingungen Das Ticket ist nur für das ausgewählte Datum gültig. Das Ticket ist nicht übertragbar und nicht erstattungsfähig. Das Ticket darf nicht kopiert, übertragen oder weiterverkauft werden. Das Ticket ist nur für die Person gültig, die darauf genannt wird. Das Ticket kann nicht mit anderen Angeboten, separat ausgestellten Veranstaltungen, Ermäßigungen, Halloween Horror Nights oder Sightseeing-Touren kombiniert werden. Teile vom Park unterliegen Änderung oder Schließung ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Parkplatz ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen. Der Eintritt zum Early Park beginnt eine Stunde vor Eröffnung des Themenparks und unterliegt der Verfügbarkeit, Stornierung und Änderung.
1916 Bus Tour Hidden Dublin
Journey with our member of the ICA (Irish Citizen Army) as he tells you about the devastating effects of the 1913 Lockout such as seeing children dying of starvation in the tenements. Learn how he and countless others were left jobless, oppressed and craving social change, especially after Ireland suffered the violence of its first Bloody Sunday. Listen, as he does, to James Connolly and the social leaders who promised change and a brighter future if they followed them into battle for it. Meet our member of the Cumann na mBan (the women’s faction of the Irish Volunteers) who was so moved by Padraig Pearse’s graveside speech at the funeral of the famous Fenian Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa in 1915 she signed up the following day. Discover the key and dangerous roles these women, numbering nearly a quarter of those who rose that week, played in the battles that Easter. In the reading of the 1916 Proclamation of Independence and in their own words hear how they were fighting not only for the emancipation of Ireland but for a better future for Irish women. On the 1916 Rise of the Rebels Tour you will travel with our two rebels as they take you through the action all over the city during Easter week. See and hear about the sites where it all happened, some you may know and some whose histories have been less explored until now. From one of The Abbey Theatre’s leading actors, Sean Connolly, leading the first charge and firing the first shots of the Rising; resulting in the first casualty at City Hall as the rebels tried to take Dublin Castle. To Richmond Barracks where all the captured rebels plus many who were falsely accused of being so were imprisoned before the executions in Kilmainham. In-between discover where the fiercest battles were fought including The Four Courts and South Dublin Union. Hear the testimonies of the brave and brazen, such as the handful of men who took on the might of a battalion around Mount Street, and the women who dodged bullets to deliver messages all over the city. Then there are the stories of the trenches and strange amnesties in the gunfire torn St. Stephens Green and the dangerous women who patrolled its gates. Come with us to the GPO, The General Post Office, which acted as the headquarters for the rebels during the week of The 1916 Easter Rising. It was outside here that Padraig Pearse read out The Proclamation of Independence and decreed a free and equal Ireland for all. Inside Pearse along with 4 of the other signatories of the Proclamation, James Connolly, Tom Clarke, Sean MacDiarmada and Joseph Plunkett orchestrated the insurrection as bullets rained down upon the building. See the bullet holes that are still visible scars on the GPO today. At the end of the week they tunnelled their way through the homes on neighbouring Moore Street to escape the burning GPO as shells from the gunship Helga blasted them and the flames around them raged so hot the glass inside was melting. Follow the path of the doomed revolutionaries as they ran the gauntlet under heavy machine gun fire to Moore Street and visit the site of one of The Rising’s most tragic deaths, that of The O’Rahilly. It was here around Moore Street where The O’Rahilly penned his last goodbyes to his wife and hiding inside its beleaguered walls the remaining rebels decided to surrender. The 1916 Rise of Rebels Bus Tour will show you the heart of the rebellion using the actual words and testimonies of the men and women who fought for Irish Independence in the 1916 Easter Rising.
Miami Seaquarium - General Admission
Exhibits Shark Channel - When Miami Seaquarium® first opened in 1955, one of the main attractions was the Shark Channel. Today, guests are still entranced by these fearsome creatures. At the Shark Presentation, animal care specialists feed 200-pound sharks while explaining the various species of shark that exist worldwide. Tropical Reef - A favorite among park visitors, the Main Reef Aquarium features a 750,000-gallon saltwater aquarium teeming with reef fishes of every size, color and description. During the Reef Presentation, a diver accompanied by a group of Sea Trekers slowly work their way around the aquarium allowing visitors to watch as he/she hand-feeds the colorful tropical fish, large groupers, cobia, stingrays and moray eels. This presentation is accompanied by an informational narration. Manatees - At the Manatee Exhibit, guests come face-to-face with Florida's state marine mammal through poolside and underwater viewing areas. The Manatee Presentation provides an opportunity to learn about this fascinating and federally endangered animal and, more importantly, explains ways that guests can help save these gentle creatures of the sea. The manatees featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Seal & Sea Lion - The Seal & Sea Lion Feeder Pool is adjacent to the The Golden Dome, a Miami landmark designed by architect Buckminster Fuller. Throughout the day, guests may enjoy the Seal and Sea Lion Exhibit, where they can observe Sea Lions and Seals as they frolic in the South Florida sun. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed some of these playful and boisterous mammals. Discovery Bay - View sea turtles, Florida birds and other wild-life in a natural mangrove forest environment. Explore our sea turtle exhibit to learn more about the 5 endangered sea turtle species that live in Florida waters. The sea turtles featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings - View a variety of tropical birds, including Cockatiels, Macaws, Flamingos and our resident peacock, Peeps. Listen carefully and one of our parrots may just greet you with a subtle “hello.” Our animal keepers are on hand to answer any questions you may have and tell you more about the birds we have on exhibit. Tropical Wings is also home to our Stingray Touch Pool. Tropical Fish Aquariums - Explore the stunning variety of tropical marine life that inhabits the aquariums lining the walls of the Top Deck Dolphin area. These aquariums feature an array of interesting fish species with unique characteristics. Explore a number of ocean creatures from Florida Lobsters that live in local reefs to the invasive Red Lion Fish which was recently discovered in Caribbean waters but are originally from the Pacific and Indian oceans. Crocodile Flats - Crocodylus niloticus, also known as Nile Crocodiles, are the center of attention in their home at Discovery Bay's Upper Island, known as Crocodile Flats. This exhibit is made up of 32 tons of rock, 72 tons of beach sand, coconut and sable palm trees. The crocodiles are 6 ½ to 8 feet long and when fully grown can reach a size of 16 feet and nearly 1,000 pounds. Their main diet consists of chicken, fish, and rabbit. Stingray Exhibit - Meet the newest creatures to call Miami Seaquarium® their home - Southern and Cownose Stingrays who have taken up residence in a new 10,000 gallon touch pool, located inside the Tropical Wings Exhibit at Miami Seaquarium®. The new interactive exhibit, gives park guests the opportunity to feed and feel the gentle glide of these amazing creatures at their fingertips. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed the Stingrays. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail is a multi-level aerial obstacle course that provides a challenging and fun experience for the whole family. Park guests will be able to climb three stories in the air to face 18 challenges including rickety bridges, suspended ropes and other balancing obstacles. While safely harnessed in an overhead track, you walk the planks and tiptoe the tightropes 32 feet above Miami Seaquarium®! Salty's Pirate Playground - Batten down the hatches and walk the plank at Salty’s Pirate Playground, a wet/dry playground area. The attraction consists of a two-level pirate ship, 31 feet by 27 feet, located at the center of a shark filled moat. The pirate ship, featuring water blasters, cargo nets, padded areas and a spiral slide, entertains buccaneers ages two through twelve. Shows Top Deck Dolphin - Thrill to the high-flying antics of bottlenose dolphins as they perform breathtaking leaps and rolls. Guests thrill to the acrobatics of these agile marine mammals as they brave “rough waters” during the Rock n’ Roll Cruise. The Top Deck dolphins can be viewed anytime throughout the day from above and below the water. Keep your eyes open you might be able to spot a baby dolphin depending on when you visit. Golden Dome Sea Lion - Enjoy the hilarious adventures of Salty the Sea Lion and his Reef Rangers. This comedic playlet allows the sea lion and seal stars to show off their athletic and comedic abilities as they explore the reef searching for a littering diver. You, too, can be a Reef Ranger by helping protect our waters from trash and recycling whenever possible. Flipper Dolphin Show - The new Caribbean themed show, with a new set, music, and behaviors will let everyone know what Flipper has been up to in recent years. While the show demonstrates that Flipper’s surroundings may have changed, his core commitment to helping out when there is a need has not. In addition, a new historic display of images and nostalgia from the original TV show will be on exhibit at the entrance of Flipper's stadium. Killer Whale & Dolphin - There’s only one place where you’ll find Pacific white-sided dolphins living, playing and performing alongside a killer whale! Be amazed and delighted by Lolita the Killer Whale and her exotic Pacific white-sided dolphin friends as they show off their natural grace, beauty and intelligence through the special relationship between animal and trainer.
Sac de Voyage Rangement de Voyage Tissu Pour Unisexe
Catégorie:Sac de Voyage; Pour:Unisexe; Matériau:Tissu; Fonction:Rangement de Voyage; Marque:GOX; Poids Net:0.06; Mode de production:approvisionnement externe