Brosse de nettoyage en profondeur pour massage du visage en silicone
Le gel de silice Porte-Savon Portable Scellé Rangement de Voyage Toilette
Catégorie:Porte-Savon; Matériau:Le Gel de Silice; Fonction:Scellé,Toilette,Rangement de Voyage,Portable; Poids Net:0.075; date d'inscription:03/20/2015
Madame Tussauds Berlin
Promigeflüster in der Hauptstadt! Nirgendwo macht Ihr so viele Selfies mit Euren Stars. Ein Rundgang durch die 2.500 m² große Ausstellung von Madame Tussauds Berlin führt durch verschiedene Themenbereiche wie Geschichte, Politik, Sport, Musik und Hollywood Hills. Zahlreiche interaktive Elemente, Schauspieler und kunstvoll gestaltete Kulissen machen den etwa zweistündigen Rundgang zu einem unterhaltsamen wie lehrreichen Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Werde selbst Teil berühmter Filmszenen, feiere sportliche Fußballerfolge mit unseren Fußballstars, begegne historischen und kulturellen Persönlichkeiten der Extraklasse oder shoote mit Heidi Klum auf dem Catwalk. JETZT NEU: Erlebe mit dem neuen Dirty Dancing Bereich im Madame Tussauds Berlin „The Time of YOUR Life“! Werde selbst zum Dirty Dancing Star: Highlight des neuen interaktiven Sets ist das Video Filmset aus dem 80er Jahre Klassiker Dirty Dancing. In den berühmtesten Film-Szenen, „Ich habe eine Wassermelone getragen“ und den ersten Tanzübungen auf der Brücke, kannst du in die Rolle der schüchternen Baby schlüpfen und das Feeling des Tanzfilms spüren. Einzigartige Requisiten, Perücken und Kostüme intensivieren das Erlebnis. Einmal mit Jonny auf dem Baumstamm tanzen? Das geht nur bei uns, denn die Wachsfigur des Kultstars Patrick Swayze alias Johnny ist erstmals in Europa zu sehen. Das perfekte Foto, die berühmte Hebefigur - viele Highlights warten auf dich! Madame Tussauds wurde dank der unnachahmlich realwirkenden Wachsfiguren weltberühmt. Im Madame Tussauds Berlin faszinieren mehr als 120 nationale und internationale Prominente sowie die großen Legenden der Zeitgeschichte tagtäglich die Besucher aus aller Welt.
Rome in One Day with Colosseum & Vatican
For those without much time to see Rome, this tour is going to introduce you to all of Rome’s most important sights in a single day. The Rome In A Day Tour distills the very essence of Roman history, culture, art, and architecture into a single day of immersive travel. An expert guides will take you from the ancient roots of the Eternal City to the very height of its empire while giving you the stories and anecdotes that bring the epic tale to life. We start at the Colosseum, bypassing the long lines with all-inclusive tickets that bring you straight into the ancient world’s greatest sports arena.
Your guide will give you the harrowing tails of gladiators and martyrs that have made the Colosseum famous and also explain their political and social importance to ancient Romans. Next you’ll stroll over to the Roman Forum to learn how it functioned as the beating heart of Rome’s all-encompassing empire. Instead of slogging through the crowds inside the Forum (the tour doesn't have much time, after all!) your guide will lead you to a stunning overlook.
From there you cant take in the entire Forum including the Senate House, and Temple of the Vestal Virgins. It will be easy to imagine how the Forum must have appeared 2,000 years ago as you hear the stories of war, politics, economics, and
religion that shaped the ancient city. No walk through ancient Rome is complete without stepping into the Pantheon. This nearly 2,000-year-old building has the largest un-reinforced concrete dome in the world. As you goggle up at it from inside, you’ll hear the story of how it was built and why it has inspired so many other buildings, from St. Peter’s Basilica to the U.S. Capitol Building.
Jumping ahead in history, you’ll be treated to a delicious gelato as you stroll through streets made famous by films like “Roman Holiday”, stopping at the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona for a few glamorous photo ops. After a break for lunch your local expert will accompany you in a taxi or a bus to the Vatican just to make sure you don’t have any transport issues. Once you’ve skipped the long lines of people waiting to get in with your all-inclusive ticket you’ll meet your Vatican expert and delve into one of the world’s greatest collections of art. The specially-curated Vatican tour highlights the best works in the huge (some might say “overwhelming”) collections and give you a road understanding and appreciation of what you’re seeing. Along the way you’ll take in the sculpture galleries, and the world-famous ‘Laocoön Group’.
The day ends contemplating Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. From there you can choose between extending your stay in the chapel a nd the Vatican Museums, or skip the lines and enter St. Peter’s Basilica directly from the Sistine Chapel. Follow your guide since it will save you a walk of 30 - 40 minutes and, during busy times, over an hour of waiting in line. With a group of 15 people or fewer, an expert local guide and no time wasted waiting in lines this tour guarantees unfettered access to Rome’s greatest historical and cultural treasures. If you only have a day to see it all, this is the ultimate tour to experience the epic grandeur of the Eternal City.
Important Information:
There is a new rule at the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill that only small backpacks and regular-size handbags are allowed inside. Guests with larger bags will not be allowed to enter (there are no storage facilities) and all guests must now pass through a security check before entering the Colosseum.
The Colosseum has changed its admission policy to ensure that only 3,000 people are allowed within the amphitheater at any given time, meaning much less crowding during busy periods. Although our tickets are pre-booked with Skip the Line access, this may mean a slight delay on entering if capacity has already been reached. It is expected that the instances of this will be limited but ask for your patience if you travel on a busy day and are affected by this unavoidable circumstance. In all, it should make for a much nicer experience for all (and longer general access lines!).
This tour combines the morning “Best Of Rome – Colosseum & City Highlights” tour and our afternoon “Vatican Highlights - Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel” Vatican tour. It also includes a fresh-made, free Italian gelato, and transportation by taxi from the city center to the Vatican. All at a more convenient price than just buying the two aforementioned tours separately!
St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel are holy places and thus, the attire must be appropriate for the visit. Both men and women are asked to wear clothing that covers at least the shoulders and knees. Walks of Italy cannot be held responsible for denied entry due to improper dress. Please note that, since the chapel is at the end of the Vatican visit, it is sufficient to bring extra coverings with you and put them on before the groups entrance to the Vatican.
Your tour will end in St. Peter's Basilica where you will have skip the line entrance to get inside, though there is no guided explanation inside the church.
Please ensure that all members of your party have a valid ID on them on the day of the visit. This is particularly important for guests who have qualified for a senior, student, or child reduction.
IMPORTANT: While the Vatican Museums are equipped with elevators for wheelchair access, they are not conveniently located on the regular tour route and only give access to specific sections of the Museums.
Doñana desde Sevilla
Proseguiremos nuestra ruta en 4×4 atravesando el bosque de la zona norte del espacio natural para más tarde recorrer la aldea del Rocío, su ermita y el observatorio de la SEO. Tras descubrir este lugar nos adentraremos a pie en los palacios y senderos del Parque Nacional de Doñana junto al arroyo de La Rocina. Después de almorzar llegaremos a la playa para conocer el sistema dunar más grande de nuestro país. Al regresar y aprovechando el atardecer recorreremos el pinar de El Abalario una zona donde posiblemente podremos avistar alguno de los grandes mamíferos del Espacio Natural de Doñana. Incluye: traslado en 4×4 y guía.
Tour por el Volcán + Aguas Termales
Lugar de salida: El antiguo puerto de Fira. Solo se puede acceder al puerto en: En teleférico: es perfectamente seguro, consta de 6 vagones y tiene capacidad para 6 personas por vagón. Durante la temporada alta (abril-octubre) sale cada 20 minutos. Las entradas individuales cuestan 5 € para adultos y 2,50 € para niños. A pie: tendrá que caminar por los famosos 600 escalones de la carretera tradicional que conecta el puerto viejo con la ciudad de Fira. El descenso demora entre 20 y 30 minutos, dependiendo de su condición física. En burro: los burros solían ser el medio de transporte tradicional de la isla. Suben y bajan con frecuencia al antiguo puerto de Fira. Un solo viaje cuesta alrededor de 5 € por persona y dura unos 20 minutos. La mayoría de la gente prefiere subir al burro.