Cintre portatif extérieur multifonctionnel
Masque de Sommeil de Voyage Oreiller de Voyage Bouchons d'Oreilles de Voyage Pliable Forme U Repos de Voyage Gonflable Multifonction
Catégorie:Masque de Sommeil de Voyage,Bouchons d'Oreilles de Voyage,Oreiller de Voyage; Matériau:Tissus non-tissés; Fonction:Gonflé,Forme U,Coussin de Nuque,Multifonction,Pliable,Repos de Voyage; Motif:Couleur Pleine; date d'inscription:07/12/2016
Sac à bandoulière en cuir véritable pour homme
Sac à bandoulière en cuir véritable pour homme
Aquarium Of The Bay + San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) - Self Guided
San Francisco Musem Of Modern Art: All visitors (including members and visitors 18 and under, who always receive free admission) require a ticket so we can ensure the museum does not exceed capacity. Order tickets in advance for all members of your party so everyone can enter the galleries at the same time. No eating, drinking, smoking, or sleeping is permitted in the Museum. Eating and drinking are permitted in designated areas only (Café 5, Sightglass at SFMOMA, and In Situ). Sealed food and drink containers are allowed if they are packed away inside a bag. Backpacks may not be carried on your back; they must be carried or worn on your front at all times. Aquarium Of The Bay: Explore the magic, beauty and wonder of San Francisco Bay at Aquarium of the Bay. Your visit will take you through three main exhibit areas that display the amazing riches that lie beneath the surface of the San Francisco Bay and surrounding waters. The Bay and the Animals Who Call it Home - approximately 20,000 animals who live in the Bay and nearby waters, from octopuses to eight-foot sevengill sharks. Guests are also treated to mesmerizing walls of jellies and a chance to have up close and personal encounters with leopard sharks, bat rays, skates, and other “splash zone" animals. By connecting our guests with native marine animals in an engaging and meaningful manner, we nurture transformative, emotional connections that inspire conservation advocacy. Because we reach over 600,000 people a year, these connections have high impact. Exploring environmental challenges: Climate change, habitat loss, water pollution, and unsustainable harvest. Provide research on local shark populations Bring back native salmon Assist chefs, restaurants and consumers in selecting sustainable seafood Remove invasive species from marine and estuary environments Support endangered species Educate the public and combat climate-induced sea level rise Enact policy that will create healthy fresh water flows back to San Francisco Bay Our research efforts are grounded in peer-reviewed science and focus on monitoring and improving life for all San Francisco Bay species. We work both alone and in partnership on research, including shark monitoring and captive breeding programs. Our goal is to understand how best to ensure that native animals can thrive in the busy, much used waters of San Francisco Bay, its estuary, marshes and tributaries.
Cruceros Steamboat Natchez - Crucero a Ritmo de Jazz por la Mañana con Comida
Bienvenido a bordo de un de los barcos más singulares del real Nueva Orleans. Combine 2 horas de crucero en el Steamboat NATCHEZ con música Jazz en directo de mano de algunos de los músicos más talentosos del momento - The Steamboat Stompers. Para que su excursión sea redonda, le ofrecemos una comida a bordo del barco, un elemento básico en la vida de Nueva Orleans - un momento para disfrutar de la comida y de unas bebidas refrescantes con amigos y familia. Tanto si es un turísta como un habitante de la zona, pasará un buen tiempo en nuestro crucero. Menú del Buffet Steamboat Natchez Pescado frito Rebozado con harina de maíz picante frito y dorado a la perfección Pollo al horno Alubias rojas y arroz Alubias rojas con lecho de arroz y salchicha "Andouille" opcional Jambalaya El plató tradicional de Louisiana con pollo, salsa y especias criollas Ensalada Mixta Nachez Mezcla de lechugas, tomate, pepino, cebollas rojas, queso y picatostes con guarnición del Chef Budín de Pan con Chocolate Blanco Un soufflé de pan de la marca local Leidenheimer con deliciosa crema y salsa de chocolate blanco Rebanadas de pan francés Café y Iced Tea incluidos Los ítems del menú están sujetos a cambios según las disponibilidad de la temporada. Hay carta de vinos disponible. También hay Snack Bar a bordo. El precio de la entrada no incluye las propinas para los guías y los conductores. Se recomienda pagar una propina de $2 para el servicio de comida a bordo.