Voyage Adaptateur Convertisseur / Chargeur de Voyage Eclairage LED Chargeur de portable DynamoAccessoire de Bagage Accessoires
Palma Aquarium Mallorca - Family Pack
Tauchen Sie ein in die Tiefen der Meere!
Das Palma Aquarium ist in 5 Welten unterteilt: Alte Welt, Neue Welt, Dschungel, Gärten und Deep Blue.
55 Tanks
8.000 Exemplare von 700 Tierarten
Dazu gehören Haie, Clownfische, Störfische, Hammerhaie, Schlagfische und viele mehr…
Einer der tiefsten Haitanks Europas - 8,5 m Tiefe - 3,5 Millionen Liter natürliches Salzwasser
Größte Ausstellung von Korallen in Europa. Einzigartiger Blick in eines der schönsten und vielfältigsten Ökosysteme der Welt - ein Lebensraum, der normalerweise nur von erfahrenen Tauchern erforscht wird
Interaktive pädagogische Touchscreens
Interaktiver Touch-Pool - Seesterne, Seeigel und viele mehr
Eine Ausstellung die einzig dem Roten Thunfischs gewidmet ist
Das Dschungelgebiet ist der größte Dschungel in Europa und bildet das Mikroklima, die Fauna, die Flora und die Wasserfälle des Amazonasbeckens originalgetreu nach
2 Kinderspielbereiche - Außenbereich: Piratenschiff, Hüpfburg und Spritzwasser. Indoor: Softplay
Unterhaltung und Spaß für alle Altersgruppen:
Mehrsprachige Meeresführer mit umfangreichem Wissen
Kinderanimation - Gesichtsbemalung, Wasserballonschlachten, Mini-Disco….
Fütterungen / Informationsveranstaltungen den ganzen Tag auf Spanisch, Englisch und Deutsch
Extra Aktivitäten:
Shark Vision Boat
Tauchen Sie mit Haien
Tauchen / Schnorcheln mit Strahlen (nur im Sommer)
Unsere Werte:
Unsere Philosophie ist: Wertschätzung!
Mallorcas einziges Zentrum zur Erholung und Rehabilitation von Meerwasser
Nützliche Info:
Gastronomische Einrichtungen mit Buffet und à la carte
Gratis Wifi
Nur wenige Minuten vom Flughafen, Strand, Fan Mallorca Shopping Center und Palma entfernt
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel halten direkt vor der Tür
Parkplätze und Tiefgarage vorhanden
Accessibility Award - für Kinderwagen und Rollstühle uneingeschränkt zugänglich
Paragon Skydive - Canyon Experience
TANDEM SKYDIVE Your cruise to altitude will give you breathtaking scenes over the Grand Canyon, the jump door will be opened and you get to the moment when its your turn to jump out attached to your experienced USPA qualified instructor. You will exit the aircraft at jump altitude, and feel the wind in your face as your instructor stabilizes your free fall, the canopy opens and you can take the time to enjoy the surreal experience of the flight swooping back down to earth. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT Proof that you are a badass Only people that jump out of a moving aircraft at the Grand Canyon are eligible to receive one VIDEO You can relive your skydiving experience over and over… Using wrist-mounted high-resolution cameras, our instructors will capture your entire skydive experience for you to share with your friends and family. The Paragon Skydive video will include; your pre-flight training, the amazing flight up, your free fall, canopy ride and landing back at the airport, the entire adventure can be digitally recorded for you. Our professional video editing staff will put together the best shots to the music of your choice (a selection of music will be available). We highly recommend a Video especially if it’s your first jump! This experience is not something you are going to want to forget. Video will be given to you on a USB for easy upload and sharing with friends. PHOTOS Still photos will be available, your tandem instructor will take these through out your whole experience and are taken as part of the video if you choose the combo package. (It is easier to do them together!) They will be provided on a USB drive for easy sharing, uploads and proof you did it You can get them at a discount with the video in one of our packages or as an optional add-on to the Naked Skydive
Organisateur de voyage / Organisateur de Bagage / Trousse de Toilette Grande Capacité / Etanche / Portable pour Vêtements Tissu / Couleur Pleine
Catégorie:Organisateur de voyage,Trousse de Toilette,Organisateur de Bagage; Quantité:1pc; Fonction Première:Vêtements; Matériau:Tissu; Dimensions:/; Type de Fermeture:Fermeture; Fonction:Multifonction,Pliable,Rangement de Voyage,Portable,Etanche,Durable,Grande Capacité; Motif:Couleur Pleine; Poids Net:0.154; Catégories de base:Sacs de Maternité; Pays populaire:Brésil,Norway,France; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:COD
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium is New York City's Must See Times Square attraction.
What is an Odditorium you ask? An Odditorium is a museum like no museum you have ever seen in your lifetime - Believe It or Not! Venture off the hectic New York City streets to enter a world showcasing the odd and celebrating the weird and outlandish from around the world. Your self-guided adventure is sure to astonish as you come face to face and interact with remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world in our New York City museum attraction. For over 40 years, Robert Ripley - the real-life Indiana Jones - traveled the world collecting the unbelievable, the inexplicable and the one-of-a-kind. His vast collections praised as “amazing”, “ludicrously strange” and “extremely amusing” are now on display in our exhibits for you to see, hear and touch, Believe It or Not!
Located on 42nd Street in the heart of Manhattan, Times Square district. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the unbelievable in over twenty galleries spanning two floors of outrageous video, archival, and interactive exhibits. Whether examining a six-legged cow, a lock of Elvis' hair, 24 shrunken heads, a section of the Berlin wall, or a life-size albino giraffe, a tour through this odditorium will prove that fact is indeed stranger than fiction. Come in and explore the uncanny and witness the amazing in New York City.
New Exhibits
Debuting on July 10, the World Trade Center exhibit is a perfect scale model of the New York City complex, assembled from more than 470,000 matchsticks. Standing at 17 feet tall, the wooden wonder was created by artist Patrick Acton of Gladbrook, Iowa.
Set against a graffiti-like back-drop created by the renowned New York-based art collective Tats Cru, the “Fastest Tour of New York” takes place in just 16 steps down a staircase, immersing visitors in the real sounds of the City, from the Bronx to Wall Street.
Guests can add their heads to Ripley’s prized collection of shrunken heads with the new Amazonian Makeover exhibit. Guests simply take their picture at a special kiosk, shrink their head down to the size of a human fist and accessorize with hair, bones and war paint. Images can then be sent to a phone via text or personal email address for further sharing on social media channels.
The new “Recollections” room allows guests to see their dance moves projected and repeated in a rainbow of florescent colors on an over-sized screen.
Black Canyon River Adventures - Black Canyon Raft Tour + Transport
Box Lunch Including: Turkey wrap, Chips, Apple and a Bottle of Water. Also available: Vegetarian and Gluten free lunches (72 hour notice required). Three hours are spent exploring 12-miles of history, beauty and wonder as you glide through the Black Canyon National Water Trail, with walls that in some places tower 2,000 feet above the river’s edge. Experience the waterfalls, hot springs and other geological wonders, the Desert Big Horn sheep, Osprey, Great Blue Heron and so much more. This trip is fully narrated by experienced, knowledgeable guides who offer incredible knowledge of the history of the Hoover Dam and the Black Canyon National Water trail. Lunch is included in a take-home, insulated souvenir bag. A refreshing stop along the way at a side beach will give you the opportunity to stretch your legs and to swim or play in the cool clear water of the Colorado River. Your tour will end at the Willow Beach Marina in the scenic Mohave desert of Arizona, where you will board your shuttle back to where you started from. ~Don’t Forget Your Camera~