Gel douche Nordic berries Urtekram

Gel douche Nordic berries Urtekram

$ 7.4
Product Code: 2164_1817_30712
Stock In Stock


Gel douche Nordic berries Convient a tous les types de peau. Ce gel douche est compose d argousier, de myrtilles, de canneberge, de cynorhodon. Combine a l acide hyaluronique et la diglycerine, ce produit rend la peau nourrie et hydratee. Extrait d ecorce de saule redynamise l equilibre de la peau et ameliore les effets des autres ingredients. Ingredients Water, aloe vera, plant-based oil products, coconut and corn sugar soap, glycerine, diglycerine, sea buckthorn extract, blueberry extract, rosehip extract, willow bark extract, cranberry extract, cane sugar, sweet orange oil, lemon oil, hyaluronic acid, salt, lactic acid, perfume (mixture of natural extracts and essential oils), vitamin E. organic farming. = made using organic ingredients.

12 % organic of total 42 % organic of total minus water and minerals